What is the Session Creator?

The Session Creator is a tool you use to build sessions.

When you use this, you have to complete a certain number of steps, where you are guided to fill out the needed information to design your customized session: 

  1. Give your session a name/ID.
  2. Choose the specific games and tools you want to use for the session.
  3. The number of groups you will divide the participants into if applicable.
  4. You can change the start date and end date of the session, by default the date will be the renewal date of your subscription (Be aware that the date starts at 00:00 CET)
  5. The number of participants to join the session.
  6. You have the option of inviting fellow consultants to join the session with the same access rights as you.

It's up to you if you want the participants to prepare for the course by creating a user beforehand or if you just want them to create a user and log in as part of the course.